
My list of current and former research projects

  • aWall - agile Multi Project Coordination (2020-2021)
    As agile methods more and more scale into the whole organisation, we also need appropriate tools that can handle this. While there exist various scaling frameworks for scaling Scrum and other agile methods into the organisation, the right digital tools are still missing, In this project we research for and develop multi-project coordination tools based on our aWall approach on large digital touch displays to efficiently and effectively coordinate projects in an organisation. Transparency, one common view and light-weight are key factors we invest.
  • aWall - Agile Collaboration Wall (2018-2019)
    The research on agile collaboration tools for team on extra-large multi-touch displays has been continued since the SI-ATM project and brought out the aWall tool and created the spin-off company aTouch Dynamics who has made a commercial product of it. In this applied research project we enhance the product with new exciting functionallity like online collaboration for distributed teams, inventing the "digital scrum master" to support the teams in their collaboration and agility and develop new multi-modal interaction concepts for data input on touch devices.
    Partners: FHNW, aTouch Dynamics
    Funding: Aargauer Forschungsfonds
  • 4. Swiss Agile Study (2018-2019)
    The fourth round of the Swiss Agile Study is currently running. We are expanding and making an international collaboration with the Agile Research Network in UK and Victoria University of Wellington, NZ, who are conducting the survey also in their countries. This will allow us to compare the working stile in the different countries. You can participate until the end of February 2019. Just click here.
    Partners: FHNW, ZHAW, SwissICT, SWEN, ARN (UK), Victoria University of Wellington (NZ)
    Funding: Hasler Stiftung Switzerland, SwissICT, SWEN
  • 3. Swiss Agile Study (2016-2017)
    The third Swiss Agile Study has been a great success. We got a log of new insights about the effect of agile methods on the working stile and the organisation. Thank your very much for participation. This independent Swiss wide long-term study about the application of software development methodologies and practices applied by Swiss IT companies and IT professionals is executed every second year.
    Partners: ZHAW, SwissICT, SWEN
    Funding: Hasler Stiftung Switzerland, SwissICT, SWEN
  • 2. Swiss Agile Study (2014-2015)
    The second Swiss wide study about application of agile software development methodologies among IT companies and IT professionals. This time also exploring organisation culture issues (study is closed, report is in preparation).
    Partners: ZHAW, SwissICT, ICTnet, SWEN
    Funding: Hasler Stiftung Switzerland, SwissICT, ICTnet, SWEN

  • Agile Success Factors (2013-2015)
    The goal of this project is find out and evaluate the critical factors for successful agile software projects. Based on the results of the Swiss Agile Study 2012, we will interview companies that have conducted successful agile projects and determine the factors that lead to successful projects. We also hope to find agile success patterns for different project types and company types. This is a common research project with the University of Applied Sciences Zurich Winterthur.
    Partners: University of Applied Sciences Zurich Winterthur
    Funding: Hasler Foundation, Switzerland.

  • Agile Technology for Agile Methods (SI-ATAM, 2013-2014)
    A common research project together of the IMVS, the Institute for Research and Development of Collaborative Processes and the Institute for Competitiveness and Communication about how new computer interaction technology like ultra-large multi-touch walls can help improve collaboration in highly collaborative team processes like in agile software development. The goal of this project is to understand collaboration in highly collaborative working environments and develop interaction concepts and methods for multi-touch wall systems to improve collaborative working.
    Partners: School of Business (FHNW), School of Applied Psychology
    Funding: Strategy Fund of UAS Northwestern Switzerland
    Web: SI-ATAM

  • 1. Swiss Agile Study (2012-2013)
    The first Swiss wide study about application of agile software development methodologies among IT companies and IT professionals. Find more details and the complete study report on
    Partners: ZHAW, SwissICT, ICTnet, SWEN
    Funding: Hasler Stiftung Switzerland, SwissICT, ICTnet, SWEN

  • ReFit (2010-2012)
    An Eclipse plug-in for automatic refactoring of Fit test. The origin goes back on the ProMedServices project. The plug-in has been published as an open source project on sourceforge.  Find more on
    Funding: Hasler Stiftung Switzerland, Förderverein Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz

  • ProMedServices - ProActive Software Service Evolution (2007-2009)
    The goal of this project is to extend and develop new techniques in software analysis and software service development and to prove their practical applicability in a large distributed system in a critical field. To achieve these goals, the project will formulate methods and develop techniques for detecting software decay. We will integrate expertise from areas of software evolution, distributed and mobile systems as well as service engineering to explore new ways for software service improvement on a large scale. Techniques from architecture reconstruction, refactoring, service engineering and testing will be combined in a software service evolution toolbox to provide a software architect with pro-active tools and processes to ensure and improve software service quality during software development.
    Partners: University Hospital Geneva (HUG); University of Zurich, ifi-SEAL
    Funding: Hasler Stiftung Switzerland
  • BEAP - Beamline Experimental APplication (2008)
    Development of a high speed tcp/ip and udp communication library for accessing and controlling SLS accelerator beam line using the EPICS protocol with .Net and C#.
    Funding: HaPaul-Scherrer-Institute (PSI)
  • CIDB - Controls Inventory Database (2005-2007)
    Development of a web based hardware component management and configuration system for the PSI's accelerator systems.
    Paul-Scherrer-Institute (PSI)
  • Module Testing in Practice (2001-2003)
    Während Unit-Testing in der Informatik-Welt sich mehr oder weniger etabliert hat, steckt das systematische und automatisierte Testen von Modulen in der Automationswelt noch weitestgehend in den Kinderschuhen. Dies rührt daher, dass häufig besondere Anforderungen wie Real-Time Bedingungen oder verteilte Komponententechnik herrschen. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wurde eine Test-Umgebung für das Unit-Testing eines Leitsystem- Frameworks in einer verteilten Realtime Umgebung entwickelt und eingesetzt.
    Ammann Aufbereitung, Langenthal; HTA Luzern; soft[net]
  • WED - Web Enabled Devices (2001-2003)
    Im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzwerks Edison führen wir ein Projekt zusammen mit der HEV Sion und der HTA Luzern durch, bei der wir web-fähige kleinste eingebette Systeme entwickeln. Unser Ziel ist es, dabei möglichst auf Standard-Technologie (WebServices-Protokolle) in der Informatik zurück zugreifen, und so die Integration solcher System in die Informatik-Infrastruktur wesentlich zu erleichtern.
    HEV Sion; HTA Luzern; soft[net]
  • Foundation of the SWEN - SoftWare Engineering Network (2000 - 2003)
    Wir, d.h. die HTA Luzern, die FH St. Gallen und die FHNW haben im Rahmen des Soft[net] Programms des Bundes ein Kompetenznetz für Software Engineering in der Schweiz gegründet. Ziel des Netzwerks ist es den Technologie Transfer zwischen den (Fach-)Hochschulen und der Industrie zu sichern und das Knowhow auf dem Gebiet des Software Engineerings in der Schweiz zu bündeln und auszubauen. Durch aktive Kooperationen soll der Austausch zwischen Schulen und Industrie gefördert werden.
    Die gesamte Industrie und Wirtschaft ist eingeladen sich daran zu beteiligen. Haben Sie Interesse oder Bedürfnisse auf dem Gebiet des Software Engineering (Prozesse, Analye, Design, Testing, etc.), sind auch Sie herzlich eingeladen mitzumachen.
    FHO St. Gallen, HTA Luzern; soft[net]
  • SWEED - SoftWare Engineering EDucation (2000 - 2002)
    Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es ein Rahmencurriculum für die Software Engineering Ausbildung an den Schweizer Fachhochschulen zu entwickeln und konkrete Ausbildungsmodule zu erstellen. Das Ausbildungsmaterial steht auch der Industrie zur Verfügung gestellt werden und wird daher auch in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dieser erstellt.
    An dem Projekt sind viele Fachhochschulen des Landes, mehrere Industriepartner sowie die EPFL Lausanne und die Hochschule St. Gallen beteiligt und wird von der Fh St Gallen geleitet(2000 - 2002).
    In der Kerngruppe Module war ich wesentlich an der Erstellung des Rahmencurriculums beteiligt.
    Als "Modulproduzent" habe ich den 3-Tages Kurs "Introduction into UML", eine praktische Einführung in die UML, entwickelt, und bin nun daran das Modul "Object-Oriented Analysis" zu realisieren, welches den Weg von den Requirements zum Domain Model aufzeigt.
    FHO St. Gallen, HTA Luzern; soft[net]